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Every year our students have some accomplishments in academic and extra-curricular activities. The year 2021 is the blissful one for the institution. We are proud of our students’ achievements. Many of the students from the institution participated in different events and brought an outstanding reputation to the institution. Afnan   Islam (4F) became champion in the Math Olympiad Primary and Nawsha Hasan (5B) became 3rd in Sudoku (Primary), organized by Prothom Alo Josephite Maths Mania 2021.Nourin Sultana Nizhum (ASB) achieved the top position in MIST Inter-university ICT Innovation Fest-2021, organized by the Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST). Ummey Ayman Mymuna (4B), Syeda Atika Rahman(3C), and Suhaira Jannat Faiza (4B) got consolation prizes in Sheikh Russel children’s art competition organized by Sheikh Russel Kria Chokra Limited.Afia Alam Zara (5C) achieved 2nd runner-up position in the 7th Bangladesh Junior Science Olympiad 2021. A number of students from MDIC took part in the competition jointly organized by the Daily Star and UNDP. They arranged this competition, which they named ‘Battle for Green’ on   June 5th, 2021, on the occasion of   World Environment Day. The result is yet to be published. Junairah Tasmeekh (5C,1st) in group B, Khandakar Arafat Ahmed (Class-1, 3rd) in group B and Preyota Pervez (5A, 3rd) in Group-C took part in the Virtual Art Competition ‘Ghorer Eide Ronger Chhite’ organized by   The Daily Star. In this way, our students prove their qualities, standards, and skills.